The box on the back of the bike when I got it can only hold a single helmet, not enough space for a long trip. There are larger Givi boxes available for about £100 or more, but I found good reviews of a 48l box by Tech 7 for about £50. Jeff Hall had one in stock for £49.99, so that is now gracing the back of the bike. It looks a bit big, but it will do the job, together with the throw over panniers I've just ordered.
To raise money for Golden Futures, the charity which helps disadvantaged Cambodian children make a future for themselves, I am going to visit the furthest North, South, East and West points on the British mainland using a small 125cc motorcycle. To support me please visit my Virgin Money Giving page // - click on the first link below. To find out more about Golden Futures click on the middle link. To follow my progress use the third link or look at the "Where am I?" section.